Sunday, February 1, 2009


What is worship? For me worship is me giving back to God all that I have and using the talent he has given me to praise and honor He who has loved me thru and thru. Im writing this because i have heard from so many youth that the heart of worship and the sr high retreats is where they find themselves lost in worship. I firmly believe that this generation, my generation needs times such as these to reset and find what worship is really all about. Worship in closing isn't just us singing and dancing but His people losing themselves in a ocean of grace and mercy It's a place where we never want to leave. Unfortunately I was unable to attend the last Heart of Worship but I heard from several youth and karios students that it was the best time they had ever had and that the worship wether it was the singing or the prayer or even the silence it was unforgettable and that is my prayer for this generation. that we will never forget what worship means.

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